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What are animal memes?

Boy, are we in for a treat! It is well known that animal memes are elite. They make us cackle like no other memes, and that's saying a lot, considering the amount of categories there are. What can we say, animals make the most hilarious expressions, and it reminds us of how our face probably looks in certain human situations.

Are squirrel memes funny?

Squirrel memes are hilarious, but you can’t help but laugh at these adorable rodents. They spend their days trying to find food, but they also know when to stop what they’re doing to avoid being eaten! Some squirrels have even beaten pest-deterrent bird feeders! Thankfully, they’re not the only ones with quirky personalities.

Are animal memes a guilty pleasure?

Perfect for avoiding work, spamming your friends on social media, or just scrolling aimlessly while watching TV — animal memes have come to be an important (in a guilty pleasure kind of way) part of our day-to-day lives. And we’re not mad about it.

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